Thursday, October 4, 2012

My New Fall Juice

I was at the store today and saw my favorite thing to cook with .... cranberries! So of course I had to grab a bag and head home to the juicer! I took out my favorite produce and whipped up a new Fall juice and wanted to share it with you all. Fresh, Fall and very easy to make. YES it's from Sandi, so it does have a a few produce items in it but it is so worth every one of them.
2 Large Beets Peeled and cubed
4 oranges(peeled)
2 lemons (peeled)
3 limes (peeled)
4 Granny Smith Apples 
1 cup Cherries (pitted)
2 cups fresh Cranberries
2 pounds Carrots
Serve over ICE

Hint: Fill your shoot with your cherries and cranberries and put your plunger in. Then turn on your juicer. Your berries will now juice and will not shoot out all over the place. Once they juice you can turn off the juicer and till the shoot again until you have juiced all your small items. Follow all your small items with any produce that is soft like pears, peaches or apples. Then follow with carrots so that the carrots will wash out all the residue left behind. Make sure to check your pulp container though out  your juicing time. 
Another Hint: I place a plastic bag from the grocery store in my pulp container before I juice so that I have less to clean up. I check it mid way through and press down on the pulp so that I have more room for pulp. Continue on juicing. 
I like to save this pulp to use in muffins but that is for another recipe. LOL
Til tomorrow
Have a Juicy Day


  1. How was it Sandi?? I think that I have turned myself off of beets. When I first started juicing I was BEET crazy. Now, I cannot stand the smell, isn't that odd??

  2. Girl leave out the beets.... try them again later. I love this juice. I love cranberries. I think one of the keys to beets are to use them in moderation and if the earthy taste or smell gets to you... add lemon and cranberries to your juice. It cuts the earthy taste and you still get the properties of the beets... I know my liver and gallbladder have thanked me since I started juicing them. LOL
    No really this juice is great with or without them.
