My husband and I get so many requests for Juice recipes that are a nice balance between vegetable and fruit BUT they want the drink to taste like it is just fruit. So, you know me always up for a challenge. Here is one of my newest recipes for
Hidden Veggie Fruit Juices and also I am going to show you what you can do with the pulp that was left over after you completed your juicing. Ready to get started? This is a long picture loaded post so be ready.
Mixed Fruit with Cucumber Carrots in Hiding Juice
1 Cup Blueberries (frozen or fresh)
1/2 Cup Red Grapes
1/2 Cup Frozen Dark Cherries (can use fresh)
4 Large Strawberries
1 Orange (peeled)
3 Granny Smith Apples Cored
2 Large Fat Carrots
1 Cucumber (peeled if not Organic)
Juice everything listed above in the order shown. The reason being is you are juicing the frozen, small and softer fruits, that can leave a mushy mess in your juicer; first is so that you can then wash out the juicer using your other fruit so that you do not miss any of that tasty goodness.
**Hint for Juicing Small Fruits**
Leave your Juicer in the OFF POSITION. Add your blueberries, grapes, cranberries any small berries into the opening of the shoot. Replace the plunger but DO NOT PRESS DOWN. Turn on your juicer. Now proceed to juice like normal. After you have juiced all your small items run a *liquid* fruit or vegetable thru the juicer to rinse out all the remaining goodness.
Now on the the PULP SAUCE.
Once you have completed your juice take your pulp our of your reserve and place it in a large bowl.
Go through the pulp removing any large left over pieces of skin.
Using a blender or food processor, add a small amount of of the pulp and process until it is chopped up.
I use an Oster Blender and start with water and a small amount of pulp, beginning on the lowest speed I process until my mixture looks like think dry "applesauce". I then remove that into a crock pot and process more until I have processed all the pulp.
When all my pulp is processed I then decide do I want to cook it or use it fresh. I decided this time to freeze 2 cups in a Ziploc Container to use after I am finished with my Juice Cleanse. So I will make sure to post what I do with that at a later date. Now On to the Pulp Sauce.
In the Crock Pot you have your processed pulp. To that I added the zest & juice from 1 very large lemon.
You can also add your dried spices to your mixture at this point. I added a cinnamon stick (make sure you are using the cooking kind not the craft ones), fresh nutmeg, dried cloves and ginger.
Stir it well. Make sure the cinnamon stick is down inside the mixture. Place the lid on the crock pot and turn it on low. I left this cooking for about 2 hours. I did go in and stir the pot at 1 hour. At hour 2 remove the cinnamon stick. Taste your mixture. If it is sweet enough for you as is, leave it to cook 1 more hour. If it is not sweet enough, add a small amount of agave nectar (if you're going Vegan) or honey (if you are not). This will need to cook another hour. After an hour take a peek. It should be bubbly and might even have a little pool of dark moisture around the surface. That is perfectly fine give it a nice stir and turn off the crock pot, replacing the lid.

This sauce can be eaten like applesauce, cold or warm. Use it on meats like chicken, pork or even fish, if you're still eating meats. Once it has cooled down, it thickens and looks like a nice preserves. My husband requested I bake his favorite Gluten Free Oat Muffins for Saturday morning breakfast so he can use this sauce like a butter on it.
Almost makes me what to end my Juice Cleanse earlier... well almost. Good thing I put some in the freezer for after my cleanse. YES, This can be frozen or canned which ever suits your needs.
Hope you all enjoy these Recipes. I would love to hear if you create some of your own fun Fruit Sauces too.
Stay Juicy!
Til Tomorrow